|* Up Rough's Saukko Pack *
|aka issue 33 - Dec.24-Feb.25
@Joker Snacks on Blueberries<BG
@Inhuman Defender<FFP
@Lowres Kids<Insane
@Helge Ingstad (4k)<Offence
@Under the Sycamore Trees (6k)
|Right mousebutton for more!
|Up Rough present:
|Saukko Pack
Code, Compilation<Bifat/TEK
|you can make this pack a release
|of * your * group!
|the rulez:
|background gfx 352 * 272 * 16
|font can be proportional
|protracker module
|free placement of texts
|Up Rough & TEK signing off
** Up Rough's Saukko Pack ** Issue 33 Welcome again to a disk filled to the brim with the latest Amiga stuff. Now that was a bit of a difficult birth. We all were seemingly a bit lazy, distracted, busy with other things going on... and the selection of titles and the disk layout for this and the following issue posed some challenges. Because, as you should know, we try to fill our valuable disks up to the max, without sacrificing space on one hand, not missing out some relevant stuff on the other, neither to bore you off with all too crappy material. So double your efforts and do even better productions - and release more often, so we have enough material at our disposal for shuffling things around! Once again the credits... } gfx by Nori } music by Tempest } code & compilation by Bifat/TEK Packdisk greetings go to ... Artstate, Batman Group, Five Finger Punch, Insane, Offence, Desire! Released: 18-Feb-2025 ... wrap ...